Monday, January 10, 2011

1st Check-In!!

Okay friends its time to check in with me with your results from week one!! I am excited to see what they are. These are mine:
weight: 116.6 lbs
waist: 28.5 in
hips: 34.5 in

I lost almost 3 lbs and half an inch off of my hips. Nothing off my waist which doesn't surprise me, because my waist will be the very last to go.

Later today I will be posting my meal plan for the week. So, check back here later for the meal plan if you want it.

Remember to either send me an email or post your results here by midnight tonight!


  1. I sent my numbers to your email. Good Job to you! 3 lbs in one week is incredible. exspecially cause you dont have a lot to loose

  2. Weight: 144
    waist: 33"
    hips: 40"
    I'll send you my before pic as soon as I can find my camera cord to upload. I've been sick last week so I haven't had a chance to really look for it. Sorry!
