Sunday, May 22, 2011

Just like the old days

I had a great night last night!  I hung out with my roommates from college.  We try to get together as often as we can, but sometimes its not often enough!  We went to Jamba Juice and got smoothies, then went to Comedy Sportz Club in Provo, and got our laughs on!  It was great catching up with each other, forgetting our worries for one night and having fun! Just like the old days!
 During my second year of college my friend Heidi, who I've known since elementary school, and myself decided to move out of our parents home and into an apartment that was across the street from UVU, the college we were attending.  We moved into the Remington Apartments and met our roommate Linzee.  The three of us had so much fun together.  We got along so well.  They were the best roomies you could ever ask for.  We always had fun things going on in our apartment: late night Uno games, putting make up on our next door neighbor man, watching Three's Company on Nick at Nite at 3:00 in the morning, dressing up in the weirdest outfits and then taking pictures of them, singing karaoke, and having leg wrestling matches. 
I am so grateful to have these two wonderful people in my life!  And I am also grateful that we are able to still keep in touch. 
Heidi and Linzee have been wonderful friends to me, and I am very blessed to have them in my life!

Do you still keep in touch with your roommates?  Did you luck out like me and get awesome roommates, or do you have some horrifying roommate stories?  I would love to hear them!  :)
 Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and spent it with people you love!

1 comment:

  1. You really were lucky w/ these girls! It was so fun to hang out w/ y'all!
