Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Happy Birthday to ME!!

Yesterday was my 28th birthday and I had a GREAT day!!  Lee took the day off, so that we could spend the day together.  He took me to Tucanos for lunch.  Yesterday afternoon we took the kiddos to DQ and got chocolate dipped ice cream cones.   Later that night I rode with my friends up to Orem and back, and got a Berry Parfait from Wendy's.  It was a nice enjoyable birthday!
I also have started a tradition where I take a Real Age Quiz from Dr. Oz every year on my birthday since I don't like to think that I am getting old.  This year the quiz told me that I am 20.7 years old!  Pretty marvelous, if you ask me.  There are always benefits to being healthy!!  :)
Tyra also had a big day yesterday.  It was her first day of Kindergarten!!  I still can't believe that she is old enough to go. Tyra was the cutest little kindergartner in her class!!  Take a look at these pics and you will see for yourself how adorable she is!  :)

Paisley and I decided to take a few pics of ourselves while Tyra was at school.

1 comment:

  1. Such cute girls. We should get together sometime soon. You look great!
