Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Supplements are an important part of being healthy. A daily multivitamin is essential. I am not sure which one is best out there to take. I have tried a few, that seem to work well. One that I tried that I did not like was One a Day Active Woman. It made me shaky throughout the entire day, and I felt funny when I took it. A couple of years ago I tried selling Herbalife products, which I was unsuccessful at, but I still have all the products, so I have been taking those vitamins for a while now. If any of you have any suggestions of a good vitamin out there please post a comment. I also like taking a Fish Oil vitamin. It helps provide those fatty omega 3's. I don't take any fat burners. I know people that like to take them, and if you take one I would like to know which one and why.
Just remember to take your supplements to be as healthy as possible!! :)


  1. I take a fish oil as well, and right now I am taking my left over prenatal. there's only about a 2 week supply left and then I will be taking Natures Way-completia energy with whole foods and aliments entiers. I have a cousin that works at natures way and she got it for me, so i am going to give it a try. I'll let you know if I like it, when i get down to taking it.

  2. I just take a prenatal vitamin. Its the only one I've found that doesn't make me throw up! I have a really sensitive gag reflex. Thanks for the tip!
